Weird California
Weird California
Weird California - By Joe Parzanese
Turlock plays host to this giant Bulldozer Building!
Turlock plays host to this giant Bulldozer Building!

Bizarre Buildings

In California, even the architecture can be weird and strange. Weird Houses and other structures dot the landscape of California, ranging from residences with nautical fish shapes, to ones that witches live in waiting for the local neighborhood children to come calling! Business come in all shapes and sizes too, especially down in Los Angeles where the programmatic architecture movement was rampant back in the thirties. Restaurants have gotten into the action as well, with restaurants in airplanes or in the shape of train stations. Even some of the hotels have joined the fun with Wig Wam shaped hotel rooms as well as lodging inside train cabooses! If you want strange buildings, then California is for you!

A&W Root Beer Barrel Stands Barstow Station The Big Shoe Shoe Repair Bradbury Building Bulldozer Building Crooked House The Darkroom Delta Queen Car Wash Frenchman's Tower Giant Cadillac Building Giant Donuts of Los Angeles (and one Bagel) Los Angeles's Programmatic Architecture Richard's Lunchbox (formerly Aerodogs) Ship Shaped Sushi Restaurant Shutter Shak Tail o' the Pup The Tamale Wigwam Motel #7

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