Pasadena Parrots
Pasadena, California

Shocking as it may seem, Pasadena is home to hundreds of parrots.>
The popular theory is that a they came from Simpson's Nursery in east Pasadena on East Colorado Blvd in the Lamanda Park area. It caught on fire in 1969. (Alternately I've seen some stories state the name was Simpson's Gardenland and Bird Farm which burnt down in 1959) Either the parrots were released to save them from the fires or they managed to escape on their own in time. From these parrots, the Pasadena Parrots came about. Other stories claim that the parrots have migrated up from Mexico but others still state they were originally black market birds released by smugglers .
Although no one seems sure how they actually ended up in Southern California, at least six and possibly as many as thirteen different species have been spotted in southern California. The different species even inter-breed at times. Pasadena's website states that they are yellowhead amazon parrots, an endangered species that has been kept as pets for decades because they are some of the best "talkers" amongst the many different species of parrot. Additionally California's Parrot Project and California Flocks keep track and offer up information on the different species of parrots found in the state.
Species that have been identified in Southern California by include: Yellow Chevroned Parakeets, Mitred Conures, Blue Crowned Conures, Indian Ringneck Parrots, Nanday Conures, Yellow Head Amazons, Blue Fronted Amazons, Lilac Crowned Amazons, Green Cheeked Amazons, Red Masked Conures, Red Lored Amazon and White Fronted Amazons.
The birds are no longer contained in the Pasadena area, but have been seen in several parts of the greater Los Angeles area, parts of San Diego, and even some towns in Central California including Bakersfield! Additionally San Francisco has a flock of over 200 Cherry-headed Conures that live and fly around Telegraph Hill.
Both photos are courtesy of Salvatore Angius of CaliforniaFlocks. They are of wild Yellowheaded Amazons found in the wild Pasadena flocks.
Closest Weird
Foothill Boulevard Mile Marker
1.45 Miles Away
Pasadena, California
LA County Arboretum
2.54 Miles Away
Arcadia, California
Fork in the Road
3.43 Miles Away
Pasadena, California
- Karen w of Pasadena , Ca on 2024-01-26 said:
- My elderly mother grew up in lamanda park and remembers watching the 1959 fire at Simpsons- so that has her vote.
- Frank Hammer of Weldonweldon, CA on 2022-11-29 said:
- They are a nuisancer and have chased off every natural bird species around them. I have found shooting them is surprisingly effective, but my best day was when I netted three dozen of the devils!
- David on 2021-11-15 said:
- I grew up in Pasadena back in the 1980s. The parrots use to come and sit in our tree making a racket. I no longer live there but I miss those parrots.
- Miranda of Pasadena, Ca on 2021-10-26 said:
- I have lived in Pasadena all my life. I love my city and especially the parents that live here. They have become such a cool and interesting part of our community. We are so lucky to have them. I lived in Australia for over eight years. A place where wild exotic birds also roam free. It makes this area feel special to have such beautiful birds flying in the sky. Despite the noise I love them very much and it’s so sad to hear some people say they want Them to be eradicated. With all the other noises such as construction constantly, lawnmowers constantly etc. I’ll take the parrots squawking any day! Thank you to any and all who help to care for/rescue and appreciate these beautiful birds. They are a very unique and special part of our community and I love seeing them! Wildlife is not always convenient but needs to be protected. I heard someone refer to them as pests! And to me that is unacceptable. If you don’t like them, you’re welcome to move. To me they are just as important as any other lovely part of our beautiful city.
- Martha Hughes of San Francisco, California on 2020-09-25 said:
- There are now at least 4 different flocks of parrots in San Francisco. There is the original one at Telegraph Hill, but there are also flocks in the Mission, Golden Gate Park, Presidio and possibly Potrero Hill.
- Ryan Wu of Alhambra, CA on 2020-03-29 said:
- These birds always come during the spring and eat the acorns off the trees and make a huge mess! They also speak very loudly and ignore my requests to be quieter during the day! Unacceptable behavior...
- Traci Shoblom of Glendora, CA on 2019-10-31 said:
- There are about twenty of them that live in my persimmon tree here in Glendora. The migrate to and from here twice a day. I've only been here since June and they just arrived a couple of weeks ago.
- Nathan of Temple City, California on 2019-08-07 said:
- I'm new to LA and had to Google "Why are there parrots in Los Angeles?" Very interesting!
- B J Walsh of Burbank, California on 2019-05-10 said:
- My husband recently rescued a small black cheeked love bird from a couple of crows. It didn't fly well and was in the street getting beat up. I've since learned love birds don't do well in the wild; this one seemed young, and still doesn't fly that well when he escapes his cage. He/She can flap it's wings wildly. We live in Burbank but he found the bird a couple blocks away in Glendale. We have a large flock of parrots that do their flyovers and roost in the plan trees weekly. I don't know how many there are, but you can definitely hear them coming and going! I personally like them.
- Elizabeth of Covina, Ca on 2019-02-20 said:
- The first set of parrots definitely came from a fire at the simpsons garden town that burnt down in the very early yrs , they were let go in order to save them . There was only several , they were double yellow nape amazons, they rebuilt another simpsons after that . The first one burnt done in the early 60s , my brother was employed there when that happened, still remember him telling us that they had to release the birds i because there was no time to get them out in cages, it was fast moving fire and the space was very small, since then they have been multiplying . Along with many other species,
- Lisa of NO HO, CA on 2018-07-10 said:
- I saw to escaping a small hawk in Toluca Lake 2 days ago. They were noisy and faster than the small hawk, who might have regretted that dinner idea had he caught one of them.
- Lynn Roberts of Pasadena, CA on 2018-06-13 said:
- I believe a Pasadena Parrot should be named Rose Parade Grand Marshall. We are so lucky to have them!
- Lori Lott of Ontario, CA on 2018-05-09 said:
- Yesterday at work in Azusa there was a small flock of them flying and landing in the trees outside my office. It has been awhile since I have seen them here.
- Anonymous of Los Angeles, CA on 2018-05-04 said:
- Well, SOME of those parrots might have been 'released' from perhaps a fire in a pet store, but not as many as we see flying around these days.
Most of those parrots are Amazons and Conures, and they have been breeding right here in Pasadena and all over California.
They WERE non-native birds...mostly from Mexico and So America and other areas. Many also got away from owners who did not get their wings clipped so they just flew away and joined the others.
Now, even National Geographic lists some of those parrots as being 'native' because they have been breeding here for so many years.
I know these things because I was the owner of exclusive Parrots store many years ago.
- luther of claremont, CA on 2017-12-12 said:
- I had never seen or heard of them before. I was driving to pick my daughter up from school, and stopped at a stop sign. A flock of at least 100 landed in the tree beside the stop sign. I thought it quite peculiar. They were especially LOUD. It made me look on the internet, just to make sure I wasn't going crazy. I'm glad to see it's not as peculiar as I first thought.
- Cindy of Pasadena, Ca on 2017-11-30 said:
- That was Simpson's Garden Town. And we shopped there all through the sixties. All the very many parrots I see in Pasadena are green with red heads.
- Anonymous of South Pasadena , CA on 2017-11-18 said:
- I have lived in So.Pas for 16 years and from the get go youvhear then early morning in the trees waking you up and then mid day and later in the evening. They hover over the public library trees and make a racket. And while driving to work I see the flock of 50 flying over the 210 east near arboretum. They are everywhere.
- Char of LaVerne, Ca on 2017-10-24 said:
- I see/hear these little guys outside my house in LaVerne every morning. They're always waking me up! They're cute but good riddance. Get ready for the parrot uprising folks
- Anonymous on 2017-09-22 said:
- Thanks for the information!!!! At least I know I'm not imagining them!! They are really loud!!
- Peter of Alhambra, CA on 2017-09-11 said:
- These parrots have been around for decades. I first saw them in 1977 when I walked past a tree that was crammed with them, at the corner of Commonwealth and Fourth. There must have been at least 100 birds chirping and squawking in that tree.
- Mike of South Pasadena, Ca on 2017-09-03 said:
- Every native bird flees from these pests. They are not native and will create havoc. We need to get rid of these noisy pests.
- TOM WILLIAMS of LosAngeles, CA on 2017-08-27 said:
- We got them 5 yrs ago.
Fewer now - 410 with bird shot...moving to attractants + chemical
- Sandra of Covina , California on 2017-08-17 said:
- As i sit in waiting room at citrus Valley emergency hosp,im looking at a whole bunch 10 to 15 beutiful parrots all lined up on the electrical lines. What a beutiful sight to see
- S Willis of Altadena, California on 2017-08-14 said:
- As I walk to my car early Sunday morning I saw a approximately 35 beautiful noisy parrots. They were flying low and I really got a good look at them. These were green with red on thier heads
- Erica of South Pasadena , CA on 2017-08-05 said:
- Saw "Shakespeare by the Sea" in Garfield Park last night. The parrots were having a party in the sky while the actors below were doing their best performing "Macbeth" Lol. It's was pretty funny at times. They parrots were so loud and dramatic.
- Geri of Glendora, CA on 2017-07-31 said:
- Visiting my mother in Glendora near Sunflower School area. This morning we were visited by a flock of Red Lored Amazons. I awoke to one calling from a wire in the dack yard. I counted 8 but heard many more out front in the street. Made the day! I hope to see them again soon.
- Tommy of Pasadena, CA on 2017-07-20 said:
- Crazy little chompers. All the other birds are afraid of them. They rule the skies gangsta style.
- PR of Valley Village, CA on 2017-07-07 said:
- Saw a pair today in Valley Village, CA :)
- Karen troidl of San Dimas, California on 2017-06-18 said:
- I'm curious about where they actually came from, but they are back and this time I got a video of them , they are noisy but beautiful, I love to sit outside and listen to them, they haven't been here in awhile so this is a treat to see them again.
- Jan of Ranch Cucamonga , Ca on 2017-05-28 said:
- Flock of 6 flew across 19th Street this morning. Amazing seeing bright green birds.
- leslie merrill of Covina, CA on 2017-05-27 said:
- ive always heard different storys,and really dont care which one is true,but really !who are these people that think they have a right to wine,complain,about the sounds and songs they make,whats wrong with you, i cant imagin what noises you,d prefer? construction,syrens, traffic.consider yourselves blessed, what a waste of beauty on those who complain to hearing these unexpected treasure
- Tammy of Bakersfield, CA on 2017-05-26 said:
- I just spotted 2 in my tree in the front yard and then saw 3 more fly to the neighbors tree. The noise that sounded different then the birds I'm use to hearing is what made me go outside and check. I could not see them close enough to tell what species they might have been. The 2 in my tree stayed right by each other and kept touching beaks. Mates perhaps?
- Linda Szerdahelyi of Pasadena, CA on 2017-05-07 said:
- I have lived in Temple City since 1952 and my understanding is the parrots were used in the Tarzan movies filmed in the Arboretum in Arcadia. When filming stopped the birds were left behind. Since their wings were no longer clipped they were free to roam the area and flourished. We had a family friend who worked for the studio long ago.
- Bud Ovrom of Burbank, California on 2017-04-23 said:
- We have them at our home in Burbank as well as at our beach place in San Diego. The noise can be annoying, but still worth it to see the beauty of the birds.
- Ozzy of Alhambra, California on 2017-04-18 said:
- Currently seeing them (+20) nesting out off of Main St in Alhambra! Loud but majestic!
- Vahan of Glendale, CA on 2017-03-09 said:
- The parrots are here in Glendale. It seems they migrate here every year. They are beautiful, yet VERY loud and have defecated all over my car making it look like it has been in a tornado! God bless these birds, but may they burn in hell.
- Anonymous on 2016-12-31 said:
- These birds are beautiful but I agree that they are noisy. In most of Los Angeles right now street lights are being changed to LED which birds find confusing. The artificial light makes birds believe that it is daytime and they start chirping. Many birds are already dying of exhaustion because they won't sleep! We need to petition LA to input color calibrated ORANGE LEDs.
- Bobby of Pasadena, California on 2016-12-30 said:
- Although I haven't seen them up close, I'm assuming the flocks of birds in the trees in the trees around my house are what is discussed here. I can clap really loud and that is usually enough to send them on their way.
- Steve from Calabasas on 2016-12-08 said:
- When I lived in Calabasas in the 80s there were parrots that lived in the pepper and oak trees. They were loud. When a hawk would fly over they would fly in with the ravens and make raven noises.
- Rufus casper of montrose, ca on 2016-09-09 said:
- Please!!!!! If someone has a way of getting rid of these green parrots email me. Theyre cute and pretty - but baby cant sleep. They are in every tree around my house.
- ly. thompson of orange county/pasadena native, calif on 2016-09-01 said:
- i'd rather be hearing noisy parrots than the constant car alarms honking, leaf blowers buzzing, and yet more honking urban noise pollution... and they are just cool.
- Brian of Boise, Idaho on 2016-08-31 said:
- Just found this site, business meeting in downtown Pasadena, knew nothing of the parrots, and a swarm screamed past! Loud like all parrots.
I didn't see head or breasts, only wings and back and tail feathers. I thought I saw a lot of gray/charcoal with prominent red patches on wings. Any ID help appreciated. Next visit I'll allow more time for parrot hunting (with my lens of course).
- Ed Kohl of Pasadena, California on 2016-08-26 said:
- Yes I too have seen a few yellow faced green amazons lately. They are beautiful. They may be loud but they are less messy than the damn pigeons and personally I would much rather hear them and see the occasional flock of several hundred than see and have to clean up after the darn pigeons which are everywhere and even lay their eggs in piles of their own poop instead of a traditional nest. NASTY birds, give me the Parrots any day.
- Rodney Orsat of Santa Fe Springs, CA on 2016-08-24 said:
- Maybe if the parrots are waking you up you're in bed too late and lazy so just get up. As far as shooting them with bb guns you should just move
- Ang of Tujunga, Ca on 2016-08-09 said:
- Today August 9th, approx 100-150 green parrots also known as amazon parrots, were flying over my home, so beautiful! Captured many videos!!
- David of Tujunga, California on 2016-07-04 said:
- A small flock of five Yellow Head Amazon Parrots have taken up residence in my front yard juniper tree.
This is a first, though I've seen a flock, twenty five to fifty of the same, fly daily from the Hansen Dam area east to La Canada or Pasadena at least once a week over over Tujunga for the last ten years.
- HV of Monrovia, CA on 2016-06-26 said:
- I lived in Hermosa Beach for many years and that is when I first noticed these beautiful, colorful, but loud birds flying over my place to land is a huge tree we had in our back yeard. 30-40 birds every other morning or so. Then in 2011 I moved to Arcadia and saw them there. I thought at first, hey, they followed me...naw couldn't be. Turns out there are several different flocks that fly all around in CA. That's so cool and strange that we have wild parrots because of a fire in the late 60's. Well, now I live in Monrovia and I've seen them several times here as well but flock not as big as I remember seeing in Hermosa Beach or Arcadia. And to the BB Gun idiot that would aim at their're an idiot and an asshole for doing that. I hope they come back and peck on your little tiny weiner and shat your roof top. You are a disgusting human being and your parents did a crappy job of raising you. Next time by ear plugs you deusche bag!
- Moses Apostol of La Cresenta, California on 2016-05-29 said:
- I thought I saw some of these parrots tweeting in my backyard just today. I even took a video of it. I began singing, and it even began echoing back to me! Really cute.
- Local of Arcadia, California on 2016-04-06 said:
- These parrot's have been around the Valley for decades, Lucky Baldwin was known to have said they were the Noisiest critter's he'd ever seen.
- Mia Gutierrez of Hacienda heights, California on 2016-01-29 said:
- A couple of years ago I used to live in Whittier. One day I went out my house and saw a huge flock of birds. I thought it was strange that they were all green parrots. It was cool and scary. Something I will never forget.
- Nicholas Macias of Carson, CA - California on 2016-01-24 said:
- It was the Fire as my Dad lived there at the time and remembers it very well. It was also in the local papers at the time.
- Parrot Hunter of Whittier, Ca on 2016-01-08 said:
- Ya...I hate these damned birds. Luckily for our neighborhood, we all own BB guns. We used to go on Parrot Patrol most weekend mornings on our street to rid the world of their squaking madness. Yes they are beautiful...but at what cost people? My sanity is not worth that green and orange tyrant that sits on our telephone wires at 5am. I believe we've effectively scared them our of our neighborhood. A BB to the beak will do that. Bye Bye Birdie
- Johann Reynoso of La puente, CA on 2015-12-30 said:
- Amazing Birds; they are definitely getting around in Los Angeles, I had the pleasure of first seeing these cool creatures in Eagle Rock; then Pasadena; & Duarte they are truly amazing resilient creatures fly free birdies!!
- Daniel Chui of Altadena, CA on 2015-11-06 said:
- Up in Altadena in the neighborhoods near Palm and Reposa Lane, it is very normal to wake up to the squawking of parrots. They are only very active in the morning, and there are not too many of them. I have walked through the neighborhood at that hour and found them chilling in trees!
- Lynda Snyder of Glendora, CA on 2015-11-01 said:
- I live in Glendora and have had family here since 1982. I wake ever morning to the sound of the parrots chattering. I have owned parrots in the past and I love them. I like having them wild I don't have to clean cages or have someone care for them when I travel.
- Emily of Brea, CA on 2015-08-25 said:
- Lots of feral Amazona parrots here in Brea, and I think their population is increasing. I've seen flocks of over a hundred, and nearly every morning and evening their squawks ring out. I also saw what I think was a Mitred Parakeet today. Adorable birds.
- Bon of Burbank, California on 2015-07-02 said:
- Parrots are colonizing Burbank now. We used to see a rare parrot occasionally in our area, now flocks fly over regularly. Saw a flock over our house of about 20 last night right before sunset - large and squawky.
- Clyde Olivas of El Sereno, California on 2015-06-14 said:
- Living near Debbs over 30 years.The flocks have grown.
- Yvonne de la Vega of Sun Valley, CA on 2015-06-05 said:
- So far for around the past 2 weeks I have seen a flock circle around our old pepper tree. They are loud and their sound is so peculiar that it inspires a change a'coming if you know what I mean. There are around 20 to 30 in this flock and my roomie says they are peach-faced. In any case they are more than welcome as they light up this otherwise monotonous skyline of Sun Valley. So far, it seems the ravens are tolerant of them although the ravens are quick to police any hawks out of the area since the ravens seem to have lay claim to our pepper tree to a degree. We have chickens and also feed the wild doves that frequent our property. We also have an eco-pool which keeps the winged wildlife around daily. The parrots are are an exciting and welcome addition to our frequent fliers.
- Jaime wotherspoon of Shadow hills , Peoria ST, Ca on 2015-06-04 said:
- They came I'n a batch of 20"
Very noisy but happy"" they are living I'n
The oak trees"" came I'n around
May 19th 2015 , they were always
In my grandparents backyard I'n
La Canada , the Vanderwoods""
El camino corto"" WOW,""
- Cupcake of Pasadena, california on 2015-06-04 said:
- These parrots are annoying they sit in my walnut tree and eat all walnuts. When I am sleeping they are so loud they wake me up. I lived in Pasadena all my life and I am not too fond of the Parrots
- Julie Feighery of Seattle, WA on 2015-05-25 said:
- My husband Ray & I were in Pasedena, CA this Memorial Day Weekend to attend the wedding of a very dear friends' daughter & got to experience the beautiful wild parrots of Pasadena outside the church before the wedding. Absolutely incredible! You definitely can hear them before you see them! Nature at it's finest!
- Catherine Caldwell-Harris of Pasadena, CA on 2015-05-20 said:
- My family and I have heard them squawking loudly a few time in the last month but I couldn't believe there would really be parrots here. But a flock of 6 to 8 have been living in trees in our apt complex. The kids have been thrilled to stand on the balcony and see them so close up!
- Velvet Ahten of La Crescenta, California on 2015-03-18 said:
- The parrots are back. Every year they return to the same tree two doors down, though thus far, there are fewer than last year when, at one point, I counted 64 on the utility lines in front of the house. They are as wonderfully beautiful as they are loud! we love them.
- Jim of Alhambra, California on 2015-03-11 said:
- I don't mind the Parrots - just wish they would start a little later than 6am. They must be thriving here in Cal. because there seems to be more of them and they got lots to say loudly. The pigeons and crows don't come around much anymore. I still like the Parrots - think they are here to stay.
- Aaron of Pasadenaon 2015-02-06 said:
- These birds may have an exotic look about them but that does not make up for the amount of noise and mess they leave in their wake. No fail, 6am every morning, these pests, by the hundreds, terrorize my block literally RIGHT in front of my house. I wake up to a horror movie each morning this nightmarish feathered flock flying in from god knows where. Not to mention the SUV size crap they unloaded on my entire vehicle two days straight. The bad outweighs the good with these creatures and its not even close.
- Sean M of West Hollywood, CA on 2015-01-31 said:
- We have about 50 or so that have been hanging out near Sweetzer and Santa Monica for the last two weeks as well. Great to see them chewing on the trees each morning.
- Debra Synott of Glendale, California on 2015-01-30 said:
- Yes, I've been watching at least 100 all day from my bedroom window. I live right off of Allen, near Brand Park. They are beautiful and LOUD!
- Anonymous of burbank, ca on 2015-01-30 said:
- I was a volunteer for a bird rescue a few years ago and had a mishap where about a half dozen Ringnecks got loose. They came back several times over the next few days but we couldn't catch them. Then we never saw them again. Hope they survived. Also, I helped rescue a Cherry Head Conure that had fallen out of the nest OC. The vet called us and said come and get it or they would have to kill it. We nursed it back to health and found a good home for it.
- Delia of Glendale, California on 2015-01-26 said:
- Today I saw a flock of about 200 green parrots with red heads rested on trees along Allen Avenue near Glenoaks Avenue.
- Donna P of Hacienda Heights, Ca on 2015-01-25 said:
- Saw these guys about 10 times today-very colorful and loud-about 30 of them
- Jennifer Plummer of San Marino, California on 2015-01-24 said:
- Saw six Yellow Headed Amazons in the trees in the parking lot at the Huntington Library at approximately 4:30 p.m. They took off flying in pairs.
- Doug of Burbank, CA on 2015-01-22 said:
- 9:30 am at the corner of Main and Alameda. Flock of 50-100 flying overhead and perching at the nearby elementary school. Very Cool to see
- Kathy O of Burbank, California on 2015-01-13 said:
- Update on the Burbank wild parrot invasion: They are indeed parrots. I got a closer look at them today as they flew low directly over our house. They are green with red stripes; both beautiful and loud! The flocks of parrots continue to fly over the foothill neighborhoods above Glenoaks Blvd. They start their morning routine around 6 AM until about 10:15 AM. They have flown over our neighborhood about 10 times this morning. They come back around 4:15 PM for an hour or so. What is interesting is that many people seem unaware that a flock of parrots is flying over them!
- Brenda of Burbank, California on 2015-01-12 said:
- At 4:30pm I see the parrot's flying over head from the Burbank airport towards Griffith Park for several weeks now. They perched for a short while in the trees near Valencia Ave and Victory
- Kathy O of Burbank, California on 2015-01-11 said:
- For the past week, multiple VERY LOUD flocks of birds have been flying over head. They fly in flocks of tens to hundreds. They have flown over our home 6 times this morning by 10 AM and it starts around 6 AM! It wakes us up. I suspect given the incredibly loud noise that they are wild parrots. Location: Delaware Road (near Glenoaks and 6th). They can be seen anywhere from this foothill neighborhood as they circle around in the sky. We have never seen (or heard) this before in this area.
- jason of burbank, ca on 2015-01-05 said:
- been hanging out at Valley/Magnolia in Burbank the past week or so.
- Donna of Lakewood, California on 2014-12-31 said:
- We had about 30 in our Magnolia tree yesterday morning. We've lived in Lakewood for 6 years and this was our first encounter with them. Very loud and they were knocking all the pods out if the tree. I was told they like the red berries in the pods so I guess that is why they picked our tree. Only Magnolia on the block!
- Harry Gray of Pasadena, california on 2014-12-26 said:
- 100's hundreds? Try again, last night I saw about 2000 parrots, about 6 or 7 flocks of 200. The same green bodies and yellowish red faces. They were in the trees outside my apartment (they like these black nut berry things). They were there for about a half hour and left in 5 or 6 flocks of 200. Yes, thousands, I am good at counting!
- Valerie of Azusa, Ca on 2014-12-22 said:
- They arrive every morning around 6am and make a horrendously amount of noise. There are like 100s, they might flock here because there are alot of trees in my area but they are only her for about 20 minutes then leave. Later, in the afternoon they appear again around 4:50pm. Sane chatter. It seems like the migrate from tree to tree. Its very annoying and loud. 100s of birds!!
- Anonymous of Pasadenaon 2014-12-07 said:
- Flock of almost 50 around Del Mar and S Oak Knoll this morning in Pasadena. Haven't seen that large of a flock around here in awhile.
- Jeanie of Claremont, CA on 2014-12-06 said:
- 12/6/2014 Saw a flock of red headed,
green amazon parrots, took pictures.
Count 67 birds. They loved the old apple tree in the front yard & pepper
- Tyla Healton of Sacramento, CA on 2014-12-06 said:
- I thought I was imagining things when we saw not less than 50 parrots fly over downtown Pasadena this afternoon! Sounded like giggling children!
Thanks for explaining!
- Sarah of Los Angeles, CA on 2014-11-21 said:
- Saw a flock of about 20 of them in a tree in Culver City yesterday! They were so loud!
- Barlowco on 2014-11-13 said:
- These parrots beat a flock of crows any day. And I think they have!
- Merrily of Lakeside, California on 2014-10-26 said:
- I just moved to Lakeside from Rancho Bernardo, which is a NE suburb of San Diego. I first became aware of the parrots when I went for the mail one night and they were flying over me enmass screeching very loudly. I decided I would get frightened if I saw them sitting on the power lines like in the Hitchcock film "The Birds" because they sound so much like the birds in that film.
- Cherise of Ontario, California on 2014-10-15 said:
- I thought I died and went to heaven. These beautiful green parrots with red on the wing when they fly are absolutely stunning. Nature at its best. However, they are loud, but not annoying.
- Jonathan Bell of Alta Loma (Northern Rancho Cucamonga, CA on 2014-10-15 said:
- Moved from Pasadena to Alta Loma and thought I would no longer see parrots. This week, for the 1st time, a flock of about 30 comes to the next complex over at 6PM for about a 30 min' stay every night the last week (next to the Vons) .. for the last week. Have not been close enough yet to determine the species but seem smaller than the Red Crowned of the SG Valley.
- Richard of Montclair, CA on 2014-10-15 said:
- I saw at least 40 to 50 parrots on Monday and Tuesday morning flying over Benson Ave near 4th St
in Montclair/Ontario. My wife has also seen them recently near Chaffey High School. Very loud and very pretty.
- Anonymous of Ontario, California on 2014-10-14 said:
- There is a flock of at least 50 on the power lines close to my backyard. Attack of the birds!!! These guys are green and noisy.
- philip of monterey park, ca on 2014-10-14 said:
- saw it flying around the last couple of days. today saw them and notice someone is shooting them. called locale police told me they will refer them to animal control.
- Dani of Claremont, Ca on 2014-10-13 said:
- They've been flying over my house in south Claremont every day for about 2 weeks! And we live pretty close to the 10! They're always flying west around 6pm....
- Maria of Ontario , California on 2014-10-13 said:
- 10-13-2014 Amazing to see a flock of green parrots flying all over the neighborhood. Just like you hear and see them coming, they disappear. Totally cool!!
- anonymous of Ontario, CA on 2014-10-13 said:
- They arrived in my persimmon tree this morning about 8 am, and ate some not yet ripe fruit. My husband thinks 30-50 in the flock.
- Erika of Upland, California on 2014-10-12 said:
- I have been hearing them in the morning the past few days. Tonight we heard and watched a huge flock of the flying from tree to tree. Very pretty birds but extremely loud.
- Ivan of Rancho Cucamonga, California on 2014-10-12 said:
- I just saw what appeared to be three separate flocks flying West directly over the Montclair Transcenter, in Montclair. Each flock that subsequently flew over after the first, came about 2 minutes apart. Each of them were so loud that I first heard them when they were about what looked to be maybe a half a mile away. Their altitude was too high for me to recognize what color they were. From my vantage point they just seemed very dark, almost black. But they were much smaller than geese or black crows. The design of their flock arrangement was very haphazard. In fact, when the first flock flew over, after it was several hundred yards to the West of where I was at, there came a lonely straggler. I wondered whether it would ever catch up. My curiosity was peaked by what I saw and heard of them. They were great.
- Gloria of Upland, Ca. on 2014-10-12 said:
- For the last two day I have seen the blue the are fabulous.
From 8th to Foothill.
Noises but just nature taking it course.
- Anonymous of Ontario, California on 2014-10-10 said:
- The birds have been flying a round here for a couple of days! They are landing on a neighbors fruit tree! Love to hear them coming and watch as they all squeeze into the small tree! 10-10-2014
- Diana-Marie Orr of Rancho Cucamonga, California on 2014-10-10 said:
- For the past two days this flock of green parrots has been flying back and forth over my apartment complex on the corner of 8th & Grove from about 7-8:30 in the morning. The noise they create is incredible. My grandparents used to live in Pasadena when I was a kid and I saw them there, but it was nothing like this. This was a much bigger flock and they were alighting in the trees around my apartment in 2's & 3's. It's nearly 9 am and I can still hear them out there, but they are no longer over my complex. If it suddenly sounds like a hundred squeaky wheels are ascending upon you, look out for a flock of green parrots! Very cool.
- Marie of Upland, CA on 2014-10-09 said:
- I just spotted these beautiful parrots in my neighbors tree yesterday, well over 40 of them and I saw a small flock flying when I dropped my kids of at school the day before that. I don't mind the noise they make it was beautiful.
- Anonymous of La Verne, CA on 2014-10-07 said:
- They are in my area now.
I moved to La Verne from Monrovia three years ago and I used to hear them then, but now I've spotted them in LV.
I don't mind the squaking. I love nature.
I'd rather hear that than automobiles and motorcycles.
- maxeythecat of Sunland/Tujunga, Ca on 2014-10-04 said:
- We've got a good sized flock of about 50 birds residing in the trees across the street at the moment...they're feasting on the fig trees that surround the property and needless to say, they're a pretty noisy bunch! We always have a lot of birds round the area at this time of year but it's usually crows that dominate the fruit bearing trees...thanks to the ongoing drought population is a 3rd of that so the parrots have moved in on this previously unavailable food source. They're a pretty spectacular sight once you zero in on their location, that is! More often than not you can only hear 'em as their green coloring can make these wee guys practically invisible until they fly off to parts unknown...that in itself is a pretty amazing sight to see! Did manage to squeeze off a few photos before they disappeared...absolutely beautiful!
- Stan of hayward, ca on 2014-10-02 said:
- I've seen,heard, the redhead parrots in Berkeley and in Fremont in the bay area. LOUD!
Wherever there are many fruit trees and cover,they seem to flock.
- Anonymous of Firestone Park/Los Angeles, California on 2014-09-28 said:
- These birds are all over my neighborhood being loud and beautiful. It's so great to watch a bird that is usually kept as a pet out in nature doing its thing
- Grace of South Los Angeles, Ca on 2014-09-25 said:
- There is a flock of green parrots in our neighborhood today! It's an amazing sight! They are so loud that they announce themselves! 9/25/2014
- Cynthia of Pomona, ca on 2014-09-18 said:
- I just seen a large group of colorful green parrots they landed by my apartment and I noticed them laughing, then they all flew away it was a beautiful sight!
- Anonymous of Los Angeles, CA on 2014-08-13 said:
- Los Angeles, CA
A large flock of parrots with several beautiful color patterns hanging/eating the dates at my backyard for the past few days now
- Nestor of Alahambra, California (CA) on 2014-07-23 said:
- What would be of Alhambra without its parrots!! The noise of the leaf blowers, the garbage trucks, the demonic, neighbourhood-wrecking In-N-Out, those are the noisemakers! Parrots should be protected!!
- Anonymous on 2014-07-15 said:
- Pacific Grove,Ca on the central coast also has a fairly large flock of green parrots and has for at least 30 years.
- Anonymous of West Covina, CA on 2014-06-26 said:
- It's great to see them. I have been in the area for 10 years and they are always flying around West Covina. Sometimes they are load but I rather hear them than crows.
- Amanda Lee Jordinelli of South Pasadena, California on 2014-06-14 said:
- I LOVE these cute little guys!! They are too cool and I love lookin at them and hearing them
- Parrothead of La Crescenta, CA on 2014-05-07 said:
- I like the parrots and don't mind the noise - better than my neighbor's two yapping little dogs at 11 pm and later (he tells me of the barking, "It's the nature of the breed.")
- Anonymous of Arcadia, California on 2014-04-23 said:
- To anyone who doesn't like the noise that the parrots make, I have one comment: How do you think they (and your neighbors!?) feel about the ruckous you make complaining about them?
I've lived with these beautiful birds since my earliest childhood memories (as in, for more than 40 years now). By all accounts, they were here long before that. They are part of the landscape, along with all of the other wildlife that I take for granted as one of the benefits of living in a region with an ecosystem full of a wide range of wild creatures.
There ARE places you can live where you'll never be disturbed by the sounds of birds or the sight of racoons and squirrels and other signs that man hasn't completely conquered nature in the San Gabriel Valley. If that's the kind of lifestyle you'd prefer, please feel free to leave those of us who enjoy a slightly wilder environment to our pleasures to peacefully continue to do so.
- Jenny of El Monte, CA on 2014-03-15 said:
- In December I lost my Mexican Red Headed Parrot "Chico" in the area of Peck Rd and Valley Blvd. She has a purple band on her foot and is 13 years tame. She makes "Cat Call" whistling sounds. I am hoping she migrated 2 miles North to join the Temple City flick but if not and anyone has found her please email me at immediately. We really miss her.
- Jenny of Pasadena, California on 2013-12-11 said:
- I can't believe how many people are disturbed by the "noise". I think there is more of a general unhappiness among the folk who feel SO angry about a bird. Such a pity that the little pieces of beauty we are allowed to witness aggravate so many people. I say, it's a shame and your loss. I love seeing and hearing these creatures and feel lucky to have them in my very back yard.
- Bill of Pasadena, CA on 2013-11-23 said:
- people are so funny! I remember a few years back when some OC residence were complaining about Mocking Birds! The pattots land in a big tree in my back yard almost daily between 7-9 am & squak away. I don't dwell on the sound & it disappears in the background. sometimes they wake me up if I have my window open & it reminds me of when I was a kid & our roster in West Altadena would crow. It is better then freeway noise & part of nature! Don't dwell on them!
- Emily of LaCanada, California on 2013-11-11 said:
- First of all I THINK THAT THE PARROTS ARE BEAUTIFUL. I work at Warner Bros. and don't have the luxury of getting out of bed at 6 or 7 AM in the morning. I work for a living. I have to be on the set by 6 AM. So you complaining "people" so upset about a few birds should be ashamed of yourselves. If your biggest problem in Life are a few wild birds, you need to either get a life or get a job.
- N/A of East whittier, Ca on 2013-11-09 said:
- These parrots are pretty to look at and interesting to watch. I hear them way more then I like, is it strange I hear them at 11 at night? They are daytime creatures so it scares me to hear them all hours of the night!
- Emil Capablanca of Next door to Pasadena, CA on 2013-10-25 said:
- Yes, these parrots sometimes visit my area. They are indeed noisy, screeching pests. I wouldn't live in Pasadena just because of these awful birds.
- quietman of Pasadena, California on 2013-10-20 said:
I see every single one of you people comment on how beautiful these things are, how elegant they seem. Nay is what I say.
I'll tell you what they are. Unintelligent. EXTREMELY noisy. Arrogant. And overall completely purposeless. I just want to do my work in silence. Drink some coffee. But these sick, screeching, swarming infections insist on perching within 10 miles of my house... and regardless of my shut windows and the distance of the pests, I can still hear them like one is on my desk in front of me. I swear, one morning I'm going to wake at 3 AM, grab my knife, climb that 200 ft tree, wait next to their usual squawking spot, and when one arrives, skin him, gut him, and leave him to hang- may he be an example of my peace and tranquility that went amiss.
"None have heed my warnings, though shouting I have tried. And so by every day break, another shall have died."- Peacelover
I just want peace... and quiet.
- pat marr of stockton, california on 2013-10-16 said:
- my son and i seen a flock of green parrots flying over our house last year. i would love to see them again as i have parrots as pets.i sure hope they can live in stockton.other people i talk to said they seen them also'
- Karl X. of Pasadena, CA on 2013-10-10 said:
- This afternoon I heard a parrot yapping non-stop in a tree for about an hour. It sounded like a distress call. I thought the poor thing was stuck in the neighbors tree. As I was searching for bird rescue numbers, suddenly a whole flock of parrots came squawking loudly. I went out side and saw the little orphan bolt from the tree yapping away joining his friends. Relieved!
I love seeing and hearing these parrots. I generally pay attention to their calls- which are usually the same pattern. Today though, the flock that came to find their friend were making all kinds of elaborate calls I never heard before. I know parrots are intelligent, but curious about this very different communication.
- Amy of Pasadena, CA on 2013-10-05 said:
- One of these red headed birds got stuck in our second story window last night. We think he saw his reflection and tore or chewed a hole in the screen, then got wedged between the glass and the screen. We found him stuck there in the bedroom window at night. We had to tear a huge hole in our screen while he tried to bite us in order to get him out. He is free now.
- Anonymous on 2013-10-04 said:
- I live in Pomona and I work in Duarte and I see the Parrots in both cities every year just before fall. They're very loud, however they're very pretty and it's so refreshing to see them. I hope they keep they stick around for a while. What a blessing to behold one of Gods beautiful creations.
- Anonymous of Alhambra, CA on 2013-09-30 said:
- We are Hopi of the Parrot Clan. It's nice to see these birds flying around. They bring great happiness to my heart. When they start calling in the morning, it's time to get up...I love them!
- Mike of Highland Park, CA on 2013-09-19 said:
- We have a bunch of these guys living in our trees in my yard here in Highland Park. Very beautiful to look at, but at 7am on the weekends they suck!!!
- Kat W. of Torrance, CA on 2013-09-06 said:
- There are huge flocks of parrots residing in the South Torrance area. I know this because they frequent the row of trees next to my house. People in the area claim that they were either escaped pets or the offspring of escaped pets. From what I've seen, they seem to be all different breeds of parrots as they are many different sizes. They are super noisy too!
- Carol of Temple City, CA on 2013-08-04 said:
- There is a flock in the vicinity of Las Tunas Blvd/Temple City Blvd/Live Oak Ave/Baldwin Ave. I am sure they are probably in other areas, but they are so loud, it's a nuisance! It is almost 8pm now and every morning they are out as well.
- Alex of Pasadena, California on 2013-05-27 said:
- Photos of these parrots are posted daily on a Facebook page known as californiaflocks. Visit this page to see photos of their daily lives. The author's informative videos are also found on Youtube under the title californiaflocks as well.
- Mitri of Alhambra , California on 2013-05-25 said:
- Most annoying birds I have ever come around. Way too loud. They scream for about two hours in the early morning.
- jane of altadena, CA on 2013-05-19 said:
- We now have 7 of these beautiful parrots in our trees. They stayed all day and then in a flash I saw about ten fly away and then a minute later another 10. So guess we had more than we thought. Has been fun watching them.
- Carol of Coeur d Alene, Idaho on 2013-04-27 said:
- April 26th 2013 in Bakersfield Ca. Stop at grocery and hear the cacophony of birds and realize they are parrots. At least 30 of them jockeying for position in the palms. Probably more. While watching them in awe a security guard flew by chasing a girl who'd shoplifted something. Wild!
- Emily of Irvine, CA on 2013-04-10 said:
- We have seen them in Orange County down in Irvine. The flock is small, but they do come. I love it. It reminds me of my childhood, living in San Gabriel Valley
- farrell holtz of monrovia, ca. on 2013-03-03 said:
- I see these birds in Arcadia where I work. I see them all over SGV. I love that they are wild & free.
- anonymous of Alhambra, Ca. on 2013-02-20 said:
- They arrive early in the morning, & leave in the early evening. They're very colorful & beautiful! One morning, dozens were perched on the electrical lines in back of our house. Some came down over our back lawn to eat things in the grass. Some have crossed the border from Mexico, taking residence in Southern Ca. We love these birds, even though they ARE noisy.
- Frank Miramontes of Whittier, CA on 2013-01-31 said:
- They come out to my neighborhood, probably twice a month. They are beautiful birds and our family enjoys watching them.
- Kellie Heatherly of Denver, CO on 2013-01-22 said:
- I lived in Pasadena and went to PCC from 2000-2002. We lived on Bonnie, off Colorado just up from the school. We had those parrots in our trees all the time. My mom and I always thought it was sort of cool (she is a bird watcher). Glad to see they are still going"
- Elizabeth Tatum of Pasadena, CA on 2013-01-09 said:
- There are actually about 13 species of parrots & parakeets established now in souther Cal.
- jessica lord of south pasadena, CA - California on 2013-01-08 said:
- I saw about 100 of them in a flock flying out of a tree in South Pasadena. They were very loud and "talking". I was amazed. This was my first sighting!
- Andrew Riffel of Monrovia, CA on 2013-01-07 said:
- I was just walking near my house and saw dozens of beautiful green parrots (or maybe cockatoos?) with red heads flying around. They seemed so beautiful I thought perhaps they'd all escaped from a zoo or pet store. Looked it up online and found this website. They're still at it, guys!
- Daniel Mishkit of West Hollywood, CA on 2013-01-03 said:
- OK...three years later 12/2012 outside my condo in West Hollywood in the palm tree across the street. The squawking continues....I think they are following me.
- Dave Klein of Valencia, CA on 2012-12-16 said:
- There were about 50 of those green parrots that flew into a tree right in front of Macy's today. When they swooped in they shook a lot of the leaves off the tree.
- Cindy of Newbury Park, CA on 2012-12-13 said:
- I think the parrots are wonderful and beautiful. They may be loud but I run out to see them in my tree everyday. I think its just amazing that they are living wild and doing fine right here!
- Sal of Long Beach, California on 2012-11-29 said:
- I consistently film flocks of every currently active california parrot species. For current videos and footage of these birds feel free to visit a Youtube channel known as Californiaflocks. Thanks
- Martha of South Pasadena, CA on 2012-11-20 said:
- My dad, who turned 90 this year, was the insurance adjuster who handled this fire claim in 1959 and says the cages were opened during the fire so the parrots could escape and survive. He was working for Liberty Mutual at the time.
- Kyle of Pomona, CA on 2012-11-15 said:
- Saw them this morning. Was about 7:20 AM, was about to head off to work. Saw about 50-80 of them flying over. They are quite loud and obnoxious. Literally waking me up at times in the wee hours of the morning. I can never get a good look at them but I don't doubt they are the parrots. I just see huge groups flying over at a time.
- Unknown of Torrance , Ca on 2012-11-12 said:
- Saw them in Torrance ca this morning
- Sol of La Verne, Ca on 2012-10-28 said:
- Today @7:30 Til 8:30 am. They are flying around and around near 3rd street and Bonita and White Ave. They are noisy and Annoying wish the city would do something to capture them and take them to an area in the mountains or something. Out of the city ! They have been here for over 5 years they are getting over populated !
- Ceci of Pomona , CA on 2012-10-25 said:
- There are literally 100's of these beautiful birds that fly over my house just east of fairgrounds morning and night. They seem to fly back and forth. It takes about 45 mins for all of them to fly to their roosting tree in the evening and I go outside to watch them everyday. Love it!
- julie taron of encino, ca on 2012-09-23 said:
- In Reseda we have flocks of wild conures. They're noisy! They fly from tree to tree, usually they perch in the palm trees.
- Jenny of Lemon Grove, California on 2012-09-13 said:
- Just had a medium sized green one fly over my head squawking in Lemon Grove.
- Ananymous of Pico Rivera , Ca on 2012-09-06 said:
- Flock of Green parrots about 30-40. I cannot Beleive that parrots do fly free in the city. I really do think we are doing great in our efforts in all our ecofriendly edeavors to see rear birds fly free and not in our cages.
- Anonymous on 2012-09-04 said:
- There are a couple dozen of these green parrots living in large, leafy tress in the Oleander area of Bakersfield.
- Leo of South Pasadena, CA on 2012-08-19 said:
- These beautiful birds wake me up every morning around 6am. They come back at sunset to say goodnight.
- Anonymous of Panorama City, CA on 2012-07-22 said:
- There is also a flock of about 15-20 parrots in Panorama City. They like to fly into the really tall trees of the neighborhood and squawk a lot.
- Andrea of Alhambra, California on 2012-06-18 said:
- These gosh-darned birds love to drop parrot bombs all over my car when I park underneath a particullar tree that has orange seed pods. And then they sit there and laugh, squawk-hahaha, squawk-ha!
- Emily & Tina of Covina, CA on 2012-05-22 said:
- We just moved here from Las Vegas, and this story came to light when we saw a bunch of parrots squawquing on the telephone line behind our house. It's amazing to see this website and we run outside every day we hear them...they come around 6 it!!!
- Jim Carter of Riverside, California on 2012-03-11 said:
- I work in Orange County and the city of Orange has a very noisy flock that I see (and hear) fron time to time.
- Richard of Glendale, California on 2012-03-02 said:
- I just saw hundreds of parrots fly over the Glendale City Center, at about 6:15am.
- Wendy L of Glendale , CA on 2012-02-19 said:
- The parrots have arrived in Glendale! I've seen them fly overhead the past two nights and this morning they were hanging out on the power lines next to Glendale High. They are LOUD little suckers :)
- ParrotTracker of Pasadena near Singer Park, CA on 2012-02-05 said:
- They've been waking us up near Singer Park this month. I think it's less than a dozen.
- Phil of Burbank, CA on 2012-01-30 said:
- A huge flock of maybe 100 of them have been flying in trees adjacent to Porto's in Burbank this morning, off of N. Hollywood Way and Magnolia. They are all green with yellow heads and really loud. You can here them from inside the building where I work
- J of El monte, California on 2012-01-20 said:
- The parrots fly routinely through temple city and el monte at sunset. I also actually heard them right now.
- Cassie of Burbank, CA on 2012-01-19 said:
- Saw and HEARD a whole tree full of these beautiful birds about 9:30 am this morning here in Burbank. 1/19/2012
- MJB of Highland Park, CA on 2012-01-18 said:
- About 50-60 parrots flying around my place in Highland park. Seems to be hanging out for the day
- Anonymous on 2011-12-19 said:
- approx. 150 parrots in north pasadena 7:30 am 12/19/2011
- mark santoro of claremont, california on 2011-11-14 said:
- For the last couple of weeks about 100 parrots have been flying around in Claremont and constantly making loud bird noises
- Mike Knox of Pasadena, Ca on 2011-11-02 said:
- I recall four green parrots on San Pasqual, near Cal Tech College, in the 1980s and a large red Mccaw that people kept trying to capture. Over the years the group grew to 16, 24, you get the picture.
- Janice of Reseda, California on 2011-10-30 said:
- I've seen the green parrots every year for the past 10 years in the very large tree in the yard next door. The flock is about 50 to 80 strong and very loud. I look forward to watching then every day while they are in the backyard. Some mornings they wake me up. When they take flight the noise and the sight is wonderful.
- Carlos Ramos of Los Angeles-East LA/Monterey Park and Rosemead, CA on 2011-10-27 said:
- I was born and raised in East LA. Parrots make great pets and I grew up having parrots. We would occassionally see parrots flying around the neighborhood, but just thought they had escaped.
Not until recently, my fiancee at the time, lived in Rosemead, CA and I noticed the flock of parrots flying all around the San Gabriel Valley Area.
These parrots have migrated and expanded to several places in Southern Calif. I've witnessed them as far as South LA (I work as a teacher there).
I love seeing them and am in awe to see them flying around freely. My first reaction was to try to catch them and cage them. But, seeing them flying and squawking, makes me appreciate them more.
- Steve Herrera of Reseda, California on 2011-10-25 said:
- Flock of about 40 or 50 keep flying around my neighborhood. Just landing on big leafy trees. Very cool. Leaving food out hopefully they find a home here to stay.
- Anonymous of La Verne, Ca on 2011-10-23 said:
- I saw these birds in la Verne on 10-23-11. There was about 50+ parrots, I'm glad to see birds still can fly freely it was great.
- Jack of South Pasadena, California on 2011-10-20 said:
- I hear hundreds of these green parrots EVERY afternoon around 5-6 p.m. and EVERY morning (anywhere from 3 to 9 a.m.).. always multiple times a day. They flock to the trees right outside my house and the Calvary Presbyterian church off of Fremont and Oxley. Sometimes they are SO loud, it stops people from walking, driving their cars, or dropping their kids off at the church's school. It's pretty cool to see them and I've grown used to it by now, but WOW.. when they leave, it's like someone literally dropped a thousand white or brown paintballs on the cars parked up and down the street.
- Margie of Boyle Heights/East LA, CA on 2011-10-08 said:
- IToday 10-8-2011 just herd that flock of parrotts my husband and my 8yr old daughter kept talking about that fly over this area. I herd them and ran outside to my amaze to see a flock of these parrots...hum......
- Annonynous from Gale Ave. of Hacienda Heights, Calif. on 2011-09-17 said:
- It is a cloudy Saturday morning. This is the first time I see a green parrot in my backyard ash tree. I've noticed them in town since last February. I recognize the squawking from my job in South Pasadena (same birds).
- Rich Martinez of Pasadena, CA on 2011-09-07 said:
- About 10 years ago, I found a yellow headed amazon on out front lawn and it appeared to be injured or sick. I captured it in a box and fed it fruit and nuts for a few days and we came quite attached to eachother. Within a week, I was hand feeding the bird we named Puka. My two children and I became very fond of our "pet". We made several attempts to let it go back in to the pack of Pasadena parrots but it always wanted to come back to us - landing on our arm! After 8 months of attempting to release this bird to freedom, Puka finally met a mate -so as we know, and and sad at was, he was gone, as he should be - in the wild - with all his friends and family! oh those great memories of a great pet!
- Karen of Lakeside, Ca on 2011-08-24 said:
- I couple a weeks ago I noticed some very loud sqwaking outside of my window in the morning.I'd never heard birds make that noise around here before. Then yesterday morning I heard them again I went to my balcony and saw a bunch of green and red birds hanging out in the trees in front of my apartment. I was definitely surprised, I had no idea there were tropical birds in SoCal. Even though they are very loud I kind of like them.
- Eunice L. of Alhambra, CA on 2011-08-24 said:
- The large flock of all-green parrots are loud but I no longer see pigeons or crows! Interestingly, one parrot sits on the telephone line (as a lookout) for about a minute just before sunset when they return to a large tree next door..then all retire for the night! Rather cool!
- Nicole of Burbank, CA on 2011-08-13 said:
- There is a flock of about 15 green parrots in my neighborhood in Burbank. They've been hanging out on the wires behind my house. It beats the pigeons that were here. Very noisy but beautiful!
- Dave of Panama City, Fl on 2011-08-10 said:
- I lived in Pasadena when the fire in the late sixties happened. We used to visit the pet shop almost weekly. I became very attached to a macaw that was kept inside the building along with several other birds, reptiles and fish. The macaw was very vocal along with the myna bird. The majority of the parrots that were for sale were kept outside in large iron cages. when the fire swept through the building the fire dept were barely able to get the cages open to the birds outside. unfortunatly the animals inside perished. I felt like I had lost a friend on that day and still remember it like it was yesterday.
- Elizabeth Tatum of Pasadena, CA on 2011-06-30 said:
- This is a link to the latest updated Parrot Project site. Apparently, no single event caused the parrots to arrive here, but many early arrivals were escaped (illegal) pets, etc. They have bred since then, of course; and can survive because we have so many non-native plants here. I think they are beautiful and I like the noise.
- rose of los angeles, california on 2011-06-08 said:
- these beautiful green very large parrots are flying from tree to tree on my block there must be at least 100 or so and they fly in groups and are very loud realy something to see
- heidi of bakersfield, california on 2011-06-08 said:
- the parrots in bakersfield are green color with a red beak. Medium size and I have several pictures of them. About 40 parrots stop to eat from my sunflower plants this month.
- Anonymous on 2011-06-06 said:
- Yes, it is cool at first to see something unexpected, like 28 green parrots sitting on your neighbor's roof and the telephone pole across your yard, but after moving to Highland Park 5 months ago, these loud birds are almost unbearable! Every morning at 5:15am I am woke up by all sorts of birds squaking. Why didn't anyone tell me I was moving into an aviary? Do they stick around all year??? Hopefully, they migrate further south for the summer/ winter!! Please. . .
- Anonymous on 2011-05-25 said:
- They gather in a tree near our bedroom window and squawk obnoxiously before the sun even breaks the horizon. If this keeps up they are going to get a 12 gauge breakfast. I also once saw about 20 of them marching across Huntington Drive, holding up traffic.
- Bill C. of Las Vegas, NV. on 2011-04-22 said:
- I used to live in Pasadena and many would fly over...same stories as to their release..Park near Santa Anita is open to them...Get Calif to pass a law protecting them..there are people who can catch them with food or certain nets laid out and pulled in....Pass a Law to protect them your representive..
- Susan of Pasadena, California on 2011-04-18 said:
- As I write this there are about 6-7 of these large beautiful parrots in the huge tree in my front yard!!! I love it! They have been staying there for about two weeks now.
- Sandy of San marino, Ca on 2010-12-24 said:
We were driving on Huntington drive in San Marino on dec 23 2010 and saw a very large flock of red headed parrots in a tree. I would estimate 30 to 50 birds and they were extremely loud.
I also saw a previous poster mention a white cockatoo siting in so pasadena in the mid 80s and we saw one in our backyard near the Huntington library at the same time...
- Richard of La Verne, CA on 2010-12-13 said:
- I just saw a flock of these beautiful birds fly over my house just north of the pomona fairgrounds. They were also very noisy as they went by.
- Jim of Cucamongaon 2010-12-11 said:
- I heard squacking this morning, I thought it was crows, but went outside and and in our tree was at 20 parrots...really cool site!
- Sean of Pasadena, CA on 2010-11-09 said:
- There are about 100 of these parrots that are green with a red patch right above their beak that show up to my house every morning right around 8 am to eat the fruit in the trees around my house. They're the perfect morning alarm....
- Nadyne Wiggins D'Antignac of Upland, CA on 2010-10-28 said:
- As a Pasadena native, I have seen the green parrots since the early 1970's when we used to have "Smog Days" and John Marshall would close during 1st Stage smog alerts. According to my mother, the birds were released during a fire at a pet store in the late '50s. Now as I drive the hellish commute along the 210 from Upland to Burbank, I get all nostalgic when I see the birds! By the way, what is the average life span for wild parrots??
- Darlene of Bakersfield, Ca on 2010-09-28 said:
- They are wonderful birds. I watch them all the time. They fly south at night and north in the morning. I just love watching them. they are beautiful birds. I'm curious where they come from. There are more and more every years.
- jasmin of LA, california on 2010-07-28 said:
- omg these f**cken birds fly around my grandmas house in the spring and it's not just one or two there are always like 20 or 30 AND THEY ARE LOUD!
- dan gen of lakeside, california on 2010-07-27 said:
- At 7:am on July 27th 2010. Witnessed over 50 - 100 of these parrots. Litteraly a tree was filled with so many it seemed like leaves blowing
- YVONNE of FULLERTON, CA on 2010-07-23 said:
- MMac of Reseda, CA on 2010-07-22 said:
- I have heard a flock of loud, "squeaky" birds flying over my house in the mornings and evenings for months now. I never got to see them. This morning they are hanging around in the large trees near my home. They are green and some have yellow tails, very parrot/keet beaks. They are VERY noisy!
- Jas of Burbank, CA on 2010-06-20 said:
- Today seven green Amazon parrots are from a fruit tree near my home in Burbank. It was cool. My only other encounter was in Malibu. They were green too but the ones in Malibu had black beaks. The ones today in Burbank had light brown beaks.
- birdwatcher of San Juan Capistrano, California on 2010-05-24 said:
- There was a small flock around here this week.
- T. McKiernan of La Crescenta, CA on 2010-03-31 said:
- I live in La Crescenta and there are at least 20 parrots in our area. It is wonderful to hear them in the morning.
- V. G. of Burbank, CA on 2010-03-02 said:
- We have a lot of Parrots in Burbank. What is funny is seeing them scare away crows.
- louis of anaheim, california on 2010-03-01 said:
- well over here in anaheim we have parrots too, can they be the same ones?
- F.I. of Rocklin, CA on 2010-01-14 said:
- I think allot of the internet data on the date of Simpson's burning down is incorrect. I wasn't born until 1961 and used to visit Simpson's reguarily on Sat. mornings with my dad to see the parrots. I think the date would have to be 1964 or 1965.
- Daniel Mishkit of Woodland Hills, CA on 2009-12-30 said:
- There were about 30 parrots in the tree out front of my house off Topanga Canyon just south of Ventura Blvd the evening of 12/28/2009 through the morning of 12/29/2009, making a hell of a racket!!
- Bill of Rancho Cucamonga, Ca on 2009-12-13 said:
- My wife and I first encountered the parrotts at the Hunnington Botanical Garden in 2007. They have now made it to Rancho Cucamonga. My wife works in Pomona and has heard and seen them in the afternoon as they are on the return trip presumably to their home in the Pasadena area. We were delighted to see them and of course hear them in our neighborhood.
- Rob of Pomona, California on 2009-11-15 said:
- Our quiet Sunday morning was enlivened by the loud squawking of at least 100 Mexican red-headed parrots, filling the branches of several very tall trees in our neighborhood, and lining up on the power lines. We have never seen anything like them in our area... how beautiful and full of life they are! The noise they make is indescribable.
- craig of pomona, ca on 2009-11-12 said:
- these past two days in a row the parrots have flown into my neighborhood. I live just east of the pomona fairgrounds. they have visited in the morning and evening. very cool. they seem to avoid my pine trees and hang around in everybody elses trees.
- Elizabeth Tatum of Pasadena, CA on 2009-11-10 said:
- I believe the movie that someone mentioned is "The Parrots of Telegraph Hill" - so moving and fascinating! I grew up in Pasadena and I remember seeing parrots in the 1980's, but just a few. Now there are hundreds (at least 13 species in the state)! I see more in November and again in the spring than other times of the year; but I see at least a few year-round. They fly north every morning towards Altadena, and then back south at night to wherever they sleep. According to the Parrot Project (really great website), the original birds were usually imported from South & Central America and some escaped. The ones now are mostly descendants of those birds. And sometimes there is a cockatoo hanging out with them - which is probably someone's escaped pet.
- Elisabeth Sadler of Burbank, CA on 2009-11-06 said:
- Everyday I see flocks of several dozen green parrots. They fly very fast and in formation and they like to sit in the large trees on my street. I saw them today chasing a mockingbird; which was interesting because mockingbirds are usually aggressive themselves.
- Gary of Campbell, California on 2009-10-14 said:
- The Parrots in Campbell, Ca. have grown I would 8-10 now and large. Although squaky they are beautiful.
- Anonymous on 2009-09-03 said:
- Wish some people would get their facts straight, that's how rumors/gossip/urban legends start ..... Read this re: parrot project.
- Joan Birdwell of El Cajon, CA on 2009-08-14 said:
- The parrots seemed to have disappeared for a while. I really missed them and began to wonder what might have happened. They are back in El Cajon again. I love to listen to them from an open window in my house. What a treat. A little bit of tropical in the Cajon Zone.
- Evelyn C. of Atwater Village in Los Angeles, 90039, California on 2009-06-30 said:
- There are about 10-12 that have been flying over my house for a week. They probably migrated down from South Pasadena. They come from that way and go westbound towards the LA River & Griffith Park. They are so loud that I can hear them coming before they fly over my house. They stopped once and roosted on the Carrotwood trees that line the sidewalk and were feasting on the seed pods. They left a prodigious poopy mess on my car parked underneath. 2 days ago they chased some big black crows, boy was it NOISY!!!I was excited to see them, I tried to track where they went, but since they fly so low, i can't see past the roof/treetops after they get a distance away.
- sumit of rosemead, ca on 2009-03-26 said:
- this time of the year, parrots ( i am quite sure they are from south pasadena) have started feasting on fig palm tree that lies just at my gate. recently, i discovered that these parrots dexterously mangae to cut open the pig palm? and extract seeds, tiny black, with such precision. i tried to open the fig palm? with teeth and it wasnt easy to open.
- p of Northridge, ca on 2009-03-21 said:
- I think they're from the former Busch Gardens in Reseda/Van Nuys. They hang around Mid-Valley a lot.
- ray peck of El Serino, CA on 2009-03-19 said:
- Green Parrots arrive every morning at my house. They start by eating fruit from a fig palm and then move over to my backyard to eat the red/orange flowers from a tree that has these flowers in the spring. There are usually about 10 pairs of the parrots and they stay together as pairs but leave in a large flock after feeding and grooming.
- K. Victor of Pasadena, CA on 2009-03-01 said:
- We have a parrot that is hanging out outside of our house that seems to be mimicing the sounds of a rainforest. Seriously its just one bird but he makes like 30 different noises! Crickets, song birds, monkeys! It pretty cool actually except he keeps it going ALL night. I wonder if he grew up in the rainforest.
- Martin of Pasadena, CA on 2009-03-01 said:
Five or six dozen parrots flew overhead at about 503pm in a southeastern direction on Sunday, March 01, 2009.
Near Jefferson Parkin Pasadena, CA 91106 - approximately next to Hill Avenue and Villa Street. These were in a large swarm.
Yesterday, Saturday February 28, 2009 the same flock flew by at about 515 pm in the same Southeastern direction. Although the number of parrots was in two grouping of about twenty each.
Genus Amazona (aka Amazon Parrots)
I have seen these parrots for about twenty years. They sometimes land on a persimmon tree during the early winter went it bears fruit.
But their favorite spot is a pecan tree; it is huge (maybe 80 feet in height). They crack open the pecans and make a real raucous. They are a delight to see. Lately, they have been competing with crows for the pecan tree.
- Reni of Whitmore, California on 2009-02-20 said:
- When visiting with my brother and his wife at their home in the foothills of Monrovia, a raucus screaming splits the air early each morning, announcing the arrival of the lime green bombers. Diving through space in tight formation, the birds enliven the sky with their antics for less than a half an hour before they move on, purportedly to someone else's fruit trees. I love the show, and it does make one feel as if somehow they have been teleported to somewhere very south of the border.
- Natalie M of South Pasadena, California on 2008-11-24 said:
- Our neighbor has a kumquat tree and every summer the parrots love to sit in it. Last year we had more than 100 parrots in the tree and the phone lines!
- Jacques of South Pasadena, CA on 2008-08-04 said:
- We get visits from these parrots all the time, typically three times a week!. They're loud and noisy, but definitely a sight to behold. One time I even discovered a broken egg shell from on of their nests on my driveway! Beautiful tropical birds here in So. Cal, who would've thought.
- Anonymous on 2008-03-02 said:
- Around 1985, I saw a very large white cockatoo on a power line overlooking the McDonald's in South Pasadena. I assumed it was just an escaped pet.
Anyone else ever saw it? I wonder how long it remained flapping around?
- Anonymous of Temple City, CA on 2008-01-11 said:
- There are always at least 30 of them (green one) sitting on the power line right outside of my house. Making some loud noises. It's quite an interesting site to see that marry carrots in SoCal. My colleague's version of the same story mentioned the carrots came from a pet shop in Long Beach.
- Star of San Jose, California on 2007-11-18 said:
- There are quite a few parrots in Northern California, too. Besides the numerous ones in San Francisco, there was a flock of about a half dozen Red Lored Amazons in Campbell, CA , and they were breeding. I saw babies with short feathers. One of the adults was one that had gotten away from a neighbor.
- Carlynne Allbee of Lakeside, CA on 2007-03-08 said:
- The parrots do very well in So. California. Besides the flocks in Pasadena and San Diego's Point Loma area, east of San Diego you can find parrots in Lakeside and El Cajon. Often at rush hour as you drive through the eastern end of El Cajon, you can hear the large flock as they fly to their roosting trees along I 8. If you work or live in El Cajon, you can almost tell time by their daily routes, appearing at one place at 4:30 every day for example. The local hawks seem to leave them alone.
- Skip Smith on 2007-02-07 said:
- There's a movie about a flock of parrots in San Francisco you should mention here too!
- c demos of Santa Fe Springs, CA on 2007-02-07 said:
- San Diego, CA has a HUGE parrot population. They've actually have taken over the privilage of sitting on the phone wires from the local birds.
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First Created: 2007-02-07
Last Edited: 2014-03-07